Date: 13/10/2016
Un incontro via skype informale ma di profondo contenuto che fa capire il messaggio di MAX CIOGLI . Esempio, a nostro avviso, di 'eccellenza nell'arte' contemporanea. Ecco perchè Goodinitaly ha deciso di essere media partner del suo progetto SINESTE presentato a Londra ai primi di ottobre al MELIA WHITE HOUSE, organizzato e curato da Dame Gallery London come speciale per FRIEZE ART FAIR.
Si tratta di una una nuova istallazione multisensoriale e interattiva e tutto torna in una musica solo visuale.
Grazie a Bencie Woll dell'University College of London l'artista ha inoltre, il 10 ottobre 2016 presso la King s Cross Academy ,realizzato un'aula interattiva per sordi e ciechi e non solo ..................................come ci spiega lo stesso Max nell'intervista ,occasione per capire anche meglio la filosofia espressiva di questo giovane artista romano che per molto tempo ha lottato per portare avanti la sua idea,raccolta non solo da chi ha creduto e crede in lui in Italia ( il Prof Ivano Spano dell'istituto statale Sordi di Roma, la redazione di Goodinitly)e ma anche in Argentina e in Gran Bretagna Ed ora sta raccogliendo i primi frutti. Max Ciogli annuncia nell'intervista anche la prossima sua sfida......
Max Ciogli: mouvement, sound,color for 'the soul'
by Stefania Giacomini (Goodinitaly webtv director)
An informal interview on skype but with deep message to understand the Max Ciogli artistic opera.Example ,by our opinion, of 'contemporary art excellence'. That's the reason Goodinitaly became media partner of his project: SINESTE Live performance Sound Image, a new multisensory installation preented at Le Dame Art Gallery - London on october the 5th.
Max Ciogli experimented unusual connections, mixing color, sounds and movement to create a new language. Each sequence (movement) produces a note (sound) that generates a different chromatic matrix appearing on the canvas. In this sense, the sequence of movement is a pivotal element to perceive sound and color. The project is in collaboration with the UCL of London.
Ciogli’s artistic research started with disabled people looking for a way to bypass the physical or mental condition limiting their movements, senses, and perception in general. In 2013, after 5 years of “experiments” he realises the MusiChroma project for the National Deaf Institute in Rome. It is the first installation able to teach music to deaf people.
Ciogli’s installation works through a new software “APP Art” recently developped in collaboration with Sergio Santoni (National University of Quilmes, UNQ), Maximiliano Wille and Aníbal Zorrilla (Technology Applied to Dance Research Team, InTAD, Movement Arts Department, DAM, National University of the Arts, UNA), from Buenos Aires, Argentina.
About the artist: Max Ciogli (1975) is an Italian visual artist and experimental composer based in Rome. Ciogli graduates at the Academy of Fine Arts in Perugia where he achieves a second Academic degree in Industrial Design. His first exhibition-concert blending painting and music takes place in 2008, when he also wins the First Prize at the International Painting Competition by Vitakraft, Perugia. In 2010, he is shortlisted for the Arciere Prize organised by Vittorio Sgarbi and between 2011 and 2012, Ciogli carries out a series of performances and installations where he